Alzheimer's and dementia are often reasons for a loved one to require additional care and admission to a skilled nursing facility, assisted living facility, or adult foster care home. Many of these facilities often advertise as being "specialized" in Alzheimer's or dementia care. It is important to ask what specialization these facilities and their nurses or direct-care workers actually have.
The National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners has several training programs and certifications for dementia care. The Alzheimer's association also has training programs under the trade name "essentiaALZ." Many colleges and universities also offer professional development for Alzheimer's and dementia care. It is important to ask these facilities whether their workers actually have these certifications or have undergone other training.
If you have additional questions or believe your loved one has been mistreated at a nursing home, assisted living facility, or adult foster care home, please call us for a FREE consultation.